In March I will send the updated horse feed order form, but I'd like to inform you that Metazoa has changed the name of the products and they also have some new products that I will add to the list.
I don't know if we will receive the new bags in April, but
the names of the products are as follows: (old name and new name)

Metazoa Superfitbroxxx luzerne will be Fitright Luzerne
Metazoa Superfitbroxxx Timothy will be Fitright Timothy
Metazoa Superfitbroxxx Esparcette will be Fitright Esparcette
Metazoa Snaxxx will be Fittreats Luzerne
Metazoa Esparsette/sainfoin will be Digestfit Esparcette
Metazoa Timotexxx will be Carefit Timothy
New products:
-Metazoa Timothy/Haycobs 12mm pellet, also good to give as a treat when your horse can't have luzerne.
-Metazoa NaturalFit Muesli : Starch 3,9%, Sugar 3,8%
Raw materials
Linseed fibre,Lucerne,Apple fibre,Timothy,Esparcette,Carob,Green oat stems,Linseed oil,Red beetroot,Calcium carbonate,Sodium chloride,Herbs,Dicalcium phosphate,Monocalcium,phosphate,Magnesium Oxide,Spirulina
- Metazoa Fitright Ezel (donkey) !!!
4mm pellets, Raw materials,lucerne,Vitamin and mineral mix,Calcium carbonate,Linseed,Salt When you like to receive compositions or more information, let me know. The composition and ingredients will not change, only the name. I will also change and add all the information on my website as soon as I can find some time. Kind regards, Karin www.equinenaturelle.com