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For a stable intestinal flora.
Composition of spicy and bitter substances, aromas and structures.

The natural diet of horses has always included roots, herbs, leaves and fruits, such as those contained in the PerNaturam wormwood herb mixture. Wild wormwood (mugwort) and other aromatic and base-rich herbs ensure healthy colonization of the intestine. Pungent and bitter substances as well as fiber-rich structures cleanse the intestine and care for the intestinal mucosa.

Bittermut 1kg

PriceFrom €25.20
Sales Tax Included |
  • 50% wild wormwood, rosehip seeds, shredded coconut, hickory leaves, combless chamomile, horseradish and sage

  • Depending on the size of the horse, mix 30 to 70 g PerNaturam wormwood herbal mixture, preferably moistened, with the feed daily for 5 days. Repeat this operation after a break of one week. You can perform this cure 4 times a year. = 400 kg body mass = 30 g 500-600 kg body mass = 50 g = 700 kg body mass = 70 g

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