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There are so many types of horse feed and supplements on the market:
- How to make the right choice ?
- What does my horse need and what does it not need?
- Is the forage good?
- Which product is best for your horse or pony?
- How much does my horse need per day now?
- Is my diet suitable for my horse?
- Is the ratio between roughage and concentrates balanced?
- Does my horse need concentrated feed?
Equine Naturelle can measure this for you and answer your questions!


If you only order this service, please choose pickup when ordering, as you will not have to pay the shipping cost.



First of all, everyone is unique!
Every person, every animal, every plant, every mineral stone and every non-living matter is surrounded by an energy field and has its own specific vibrational (physical) frequency. These frequencies are broadcast in the ether. It's like turning on the radio, looking for the frequency, and listening to music or the news. 
I work with a Biotensor, a pendulum and a Lêcher Antenne to test products. When making these measurements, I use the unique vibrational frequencies or simply called energy. 
It does not matter whether the horses (people or other animals) are in the immediate vicinity or in a distance. We function as a kind of radio which receives the frequency of the ether and converts this energy or vibrational frequency into information. We get this information from the horse resonating (from Latin: resonating) with a certain product or answering a closed question that we ask it. 
We use unique horse data in combination with owner or caregiver data to get in touch. For example, we check whether or not a certain product is suitable for the horse, and upon contact, we can also get more information about the horse. 



There are so many types of horse feed and supplements on the market:

• How do you make the right choice?

• What does my horse need and what not?

• Is the roughage good?

• Which product suits your individual horse or pony the best?

• How much does my horse need per day at the moment?

• Does my feed management follow my horse?

• Is the ratio between roughage and concentrates balanced?

• Does my horse need concentrated feed?


Equine Naturelle can measure this for you and answer your questions!


If you only order this service then please choose pickup when you place the order, because you will not have to pay for shipping costs.



Well first of all, EVERYONE IS UNIQUE!

Every person, animal, plant and mineral stones and 'non-living'material, so everything is surrounded by an energy field and has its own unique specific vibration frequency (physics). These frequencies are broadcast in the ether. Its the same as turning on the radio, search for the frequency and listen to the music or news.

I work with a Biotensor, pendula and Lêcher Antenne for testing products. During these measurements I use the unique vibration frequencies or simply called energy.

It does not matter whether the horses (people or other animals) are in the immediate vicinity or are at a distance. We function as a kind of radio that receives the frequency from the ether and converts this energy or vibration frequency into information. We get this information from the horse that resonates (Latin: resonate, resound) with a certain product or responds to a closed question that we ask them.

We use the unique data of the horse in combination with the data of the owner or caretaker to get in touch. For example, we test whether a certain product is suitable for the horse or not and during contact there may also be more information about the horse.

Food measurement

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