Horse hooves love Thieves essential oil blend and so do we!
With the powerful essential oils of Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Rosemary, Lemon, Eucalyptus radiata, this is a personal bodyguard for all of us.
There are so many ways to use Thieves essential oils.
Add 10 drops to 5 tablespoons of coconut oil for a healthy hoof oil. Clean the hoof and apply with a brush up and down.
Exceptionally useful in wet weather.
Do yourself a favor and search for these oils in this blend and you will see why they will also become your personal bodyguard for you and your family.
Horses hooves love Thieves Essential Oil Blend and so do we! With the powerful Essential Oils of Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Rosemary, Lemon, Eucalyptus Radiata its a personal body guard for all of us. There's so many ways to use Thieves Essential Oils.
Add 10 drops to 5 tbls of coconut oil for a healthy hoof oil. Clean hoof and apply with brush to top and bottom. Exceptionally useful in wet weather.
Do your self a favor and research these oils in this blend and you will see why they also will become your personal body guard for you and your family.
Thieves for hooves 15ml
Lorsqu'un produit est en rupture de stock, je vous conseille de le commander quand même, cela ne prend généralement que 10 jours, si vous attendez, il y a de fortes chances qu'il soit également en rupture de stock la prochaine fois. Mon stock n'est pas très grand, je le fais exprès pour maintenir la qualité. A l'exception des sacs de 20kg, ceux-ci sont livrés trimestriellement sur commande.