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A product without "hot product manufacturers" but rich in nutrients. Zupa slime is a sophisticated blend of flax seeds, various herbs, plants and beet pulp. 
The calcium-phosphorus ratio has been adjusted so that the feed forms an ideal combination with hay. 

Main properties
easily digestible herbal puree
low in sugar and starch, high in crude fiber
improves the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals
ideal for older horses with dental problems
ideal for horses that have difficulty maintaining their weight
For all breeds of horses, at all ages
A valuable supplement to hay, haylage and pasture.
To replace concentrated foods containing cereals
The high proportion of different grasses, plants and expanded linseed allows you to get a nutritious and 100% natural porridge suitable for all horses and ponies. This slop is ideal for over-energetic horses and horses that lose weight easily. Older horses and ponies with dental issues or recovering horses will also appreciate this Zupa. 


Zupa 20kg

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Précommande avant le 12 Mars pour récupérer/livrer debut Avril
  • Product specifications
    Brand: EquiFyt
    Type: Forage
    Application: Leisure
    Properties: cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Grain free
    Additional herbs
    Without balancer
    without alfalfa
    Without molasses
    Without oats
    Protein +10%.
    Suitable for: cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Skinny horses
    fat horses
    Reduced energy needs
    Quick recovery
    Hepatic/renal impairment
    Digestive disorders
    young horses
    older horses
    Amount:_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _ 
    20kg (standard)
    Only available in hardened form!

    Zupa does not contain any added vitamins or minerals. It may therefore be advisable to add a balancer to the diet.

    Pour 1 part of food in 5 to 6 parts of water and let soak for a sufficient time:
    Cold water: minimum 2 hours 
    Hot water: minimum 30 minutes
    We recommend preparing the Zupa in the morning for the evening and in the evening for the next day. In winter and spring, you can soak the Zupa for up to 24 hours before feeding it, without this affecting the product. During warmer times of the year, it is best to feed prepared Zupa within 12 hours. Leave the prepared Zupa in a cool room to avoid fermentation or spoilage.

    As a supplement to hay, haylage and pasture.
    100-200g Zupa (= 600-1200g prepared Zupa) per 100kg body weight
    The amount of feed should be adjusted according to the age and daily energy needs of your horse or pony. 
    Keep them dry and out of reach of horses!

    Flaxseed, Meadow Fescue, Reed Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Timothy, Common Bluegrass, White Bulb, Wild Chicory, Yarrow, Marigold, Clover, Catnip, Wild Blueberry, Wild Daisy, Milk Thistle, Wild carrot, Esparcette, Fodder beet.

    Analytical components and additives
    Crude protein: 9.74%.
    Crude fat: 4.81
    Crude fibre: 19.18%.
    Raw ash: 5.84
    Starch: 5.58
    Sugars: 7.9%.
    The values analyzed are annual average values

©Natural Equine

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